

The science of yoga has existed for thousands of years. Any type of yoga in which you work with your body is hatha yoga. Even if many different "types of yoga" have developed from this, they all fall under it. It is the body-oriented, practical part of yoga.

Translated from Sanskrit it means something like:

Hatha, Ha = Sonne, tha = Mond.

It stands for the unity of opposing energies / forces such as the sun and moon.

The original hot yoga. The same 26 exercises (asanas) and 2 breathing exercises, at approx. 38 ° degrees and approx. 40% humidity, support you in your muscular work, work on the spine and challenge and promote your concentration.


Bikram Yoga is a therapeutic yoga that produces physical vitality, mental clarity and emotional stability. Preventive and curative for chronic pain and diseases (back, knees, joints, intervertebral discs, sciatica) as well as mental dysfunctions such as depression, mood swings, burn-out, anxiety, insomnia and all the other side effects that our modern life brings with it.


Since it is also a very sweaty activity, it is ideal for weight regulation and beautiful skin.


Not only because of this it is very popular with stars and athletes like Lady Gaga, David Beckham, Megan Markle, Madonna, John McEnroe, Serena Williams, Shaquille O'Neil, James LeBron, Oliver Brown. . .

„Whatever your sport, Hot Yoga will give you an edge.”


Come and see for yourself.


A beginner yoga that can be done by anyone. Without prior knowledge, regardless of age, constitution, fitness or other previous stress. Yoga is not a sport, it is a science, it will give you energy instead of taking it away. Are you flexible like a pretzel? Good - you will build strength here, mentally and physically, and thus come into balance. Are you absolutely stiff and immobile? Good - you will use your strength to become more agile and supple, and so come into balance.


In Bikram Yoga everyone is equal and everyone faces their own challenge. Mentally or physically - everyone will get their own benefit as well.


Yoga is not a religion or an esoteric view of life. It is an ancient science that, recognizing the body and mind as tools, teaches how to really use them and brings body, mind and spirit into harmony. Only in this way is a person able to develop their full potential, and often only to discover it ... ;-)

The founder of the Bikram yoga style is the yoga master Bikram Choudhury, student of the yoga master Bishnu Charan Ghosh (brother of Paramahansa Yogananda).


Bikram suffered a serious knee injury while lifting weights, and only with yoga and the help of his teacher was he able to recover completely within 6 months. Then he decided to develop a yoga series that systematically builds on each other to have a preventive effect on the body. To bring all body properties and body functions (skeleton, muscles, organs, glands) into balance and thereby restore and maintain health.

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